Gorgeous Family portraits at Langley Park
Throwback Tuesday - this gorgeous family shoot was back in 2017, when Will and Lexi were c.12 and 10 (they're now in full 'teenage' mode, reports their mum Vanessa).
Both children were delightful on the day of the shoot. From memory, it was a hot, sunny day and the kids were a little shy to begin with, but as we walked around Langley Park, they started to feel more comfortable with the camera and their personalities began to shine through. The spark of the children interacting with each other and their parents was wonderful to see, and set against the most beautiful backdrop of blooming flowers it made the perfect shoot. Langley Park Country Park is one of my all-time favourite locations for family portraits - you just get such naturally stunning photos in a relaxed environment. It was a bonus to shoot in the late spring too; it's my preferred time of year since the flowers and trees are vibrant with life and there's such a feeling of energy and anticipation that helps bring people out of their shells. I am so missing capturing this time of year in places like this.... next year we must make up for it!
Ness is an old colleague from my days working in London and I miss seeing her, and the rest of the team, every day. We worked together when she was expecting both Will and Lexi, so when she asked me to take their family portrait, I was excited to meet them both, having not seen either for a while.
The shoot was primarily for Ness and her husband John to get lovely images of the children, to have up at home and up above the fireplace, but we decided that some photos of all four would be a special memory of the day. I often tell my clients that the photos we take aren’t just for the here and now - they're for the future too. Our children's children will hold up a photo of us and wonder about what life was like for us, they'll think about family resemblance and maybe laugh at the 'old' fashions! Some of my most treasured possessions are old photographs of my family through the ages.
Once the images have been edited, I like to have a 'showing' with the family. We all sit together and I watch as they see themselves for the first time. It's honestly one of my favourite parts of my job as a photographer. I see little moments of joy and love between siblings, parents, cousins and partners as they see photos reflecting their unity as a family. What I find most insightful is how each person selects their favourite photos too. Ness and John adored the images of the children together, and I loved how Will was adamant he wanted one particular family photo. It demonstrated what his family meant to him, and how much kids want their parents in photos. Even if we don't want to be!
“Photos aren’t just for you in the here an now - they’re for the future too. Our children’s children so make sure you are in them! Let’s show them our life and the ‘old’ fashions :-)”
Now, more than ever, we're seeing the bonds of family ties grow. I mean, have we ever spent so much time together?! When we find ourselves getting back to 'normal', it'll be a pleasure for me to start photographing families again.